<aside> 💡 Hi there, welcome to your homepage! You can edit everything on this page including the photos, page titles, icons (emojis), hyperlinks, etc. Read my tutorial if you need help with Setting Up Your Notion Website (Desktop, iPad & Mobile). I’ve also added a bunch of tips on each webpage.
📧 The Contact Form on this template is just a sample–you will have to create your own. A tutorial is included in Setting Up Your Notion Website (Desktop, iPad & Mobile).
****🗑 You can delete this box whenever you’re ready to publish your website.
Quisque ac arcu in elit feugiat volutpat. Curabitur non rutrum risus, nec laoreet ante. Donec ornare dolor nec risus tempus, in suscipit mauris tempus.
Fusce vitae consectetur leo. Ut dui libero, semper eu tristique vitae, fermentum a ex.
Social link
Social link
Social link
<aside> 💡 If you’ve got your writings published anywhere on-print or online, this is a great space to showcase ‘em! Simply replace the images, add a caption, and hyperlink it if needed.
🗑 You can delete this box whenever you’re ready to publish your website.
Aliquam id auctor urna. Nulla vestibulum imperdiet massa ac commodo.
Nullam convallis vestibulum justo, at gravida augue volutpat sit amet.
Vestibulum placerat, neque sit amet pretium mattis, enim urna finibus diam, vitae sodales nisl sem aliquet urna.
Maecenas turpis arcu, porta a auctor venenatis, auctor nec metus.
💡 Have a blog or newsletter? Love that for you! Simply highlight and edit the hyperlinked texts to your posts, and update the Subscribe to my newsletter for more.
to your blog/newsletter page.
📭 Don’t have a blog or newsletter? Easy peasy, just delete this section or use it to hyperlink published news about your work.
🗑 You can delete this box whenever you’re ready to publish your website.
Proin accumsan nulla et purus varius, vitae pellentesque justo consequat.
Nullam convallis vestibulum justo, at gravida augue volutpat sit amet.
Integer vulputate rhoncus tortor.
Sed sodales risus tortor, ut volutpat odio luctus at.